Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Video summary of trip

I had mentioned last time that we were going to have our team share with our church about our trip. We did that Sunday night. I think its really difficult to take an experience like we had in Juarez and share that with others so they really understand what happened or more importantly to feel what we felt - its just not something you can do. I think each of us on the team was impacted in a very deep way that words can't describe.

As part of the presentation, I created a 13 minute video summary of our trip. This video took a lot of time to create - I was up until 2 AM several nights working on it. I've watched this video several times now and every time I see it, my eyes fill with tears. Anyway, without more words that don't sufficiently express all God did, here's the video.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Short video summary

I've been working on a video we'll show to the church Sunday night - I got it to a point tonight that I'm happy with it. I watched it and my eyes filled with tears as it ended. I wish there was some way to really communicate what God did on this trip. He was amazing!

We'll here is a short video summary of our trip. As we returned to our base after our last trip into Juarez, Mark took the microphone in the bus and summarized what he thought of the week. Here is that video: