It's just about midnight and I just finished pulling everything together. It was a very busy day with the last minute preparations. In about 5 hours, we'll head off to the airport and be on our way. If you're reading this now, please pray for the team: our safety while traveling on Sunday and for our arrival to meet the IFM team in Fabens. I for one am expecting mighty things from God this next week!
I read your e-mail yesterday, and checking your blog this morning, I have not been able to get you and Cameron off my mind. When you arrive here Saturday I will feel much better. In the meantime, yes I will pray, for the safety of my family and your team. I am hoping that your trip will be all that is expected and more. Please, please be safe. Bless you all.
ReplyDeleteI am praying continuously and trusting God totally. I know He will show you great things this week and I am so eager to hear all about what you are doing and learning. Praise God that you all arrived in El Paso safely and without delays or incidents. Eagerly awaiting your next post.............I love you!
ReplyDeleteI love you guys and am praying for you whenever I think about you. I hope you have some fun at the orphanage tomorrow and come home with a changed heart. Can't wait to hear ALL about it! Love ya!