Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Pictures from Arrival through Day 1 at Children's Home

I wanted to circle back and post some pictures from our trip to Juarez last week. I'll post a few every day in chronological order of our trip. Today, I'll start with our arrival in El Paso on March 23 and our first day at the Children's Home. If you missed the details of what happened on those days, you should go back and read my posts that covered those days. Here are the pictures with a short description below the pictures.

Arrival at El Paso and our bus for the week.

The House of Cornealius Dining Room

A picture of the missionaries who work at HOC. I'll only describe the larger photos as the others are too small to see. Mark and Candi are in the middle; on their right is John (outreach coordinator), top right Andy and Kathy (Andy drove our bus); bottom right, Faith the office manager; bottom middle, Hannah who invented Yum-Yum Chicken and worked in the kitchen (she also had me laughing at the airport when leaving because she labeled everything in my sack lunch as Yum-Yum Chicken - carrots, cookies, PB&J sandwich, etc.); bottom left, Jose Luis and Christina who run IMF Mexico; top left, Georgia who started the HOC. Note you can see a bit bigger version of this by clicking on the picture.

The border fence as we approach El Paso on Monday

Setting up at Children's Home

Obed reciting Psalm 23 - this was amazing! I think he's 3 or 4 years old.

Children from the home, a few of our kids, and a few colonia kids pose for a picture.

This is Samuel - our local church has been financially helping him as he was very sick (had food alergies to dairy and wheat that weren't initially understood).

Karen B eating lunch with a few women from the colonia near the Children's Home.

Some of the houses that we could see from the Children's Home (in the nearby colonia). You can see this house is made of palets and plywood. This winter, temperatures dipped below 20 degrees.

Lorna talking about the resurrection eggs (with Maria translating behind her)

Cara holding Jose's baby sister (I had a picture of Jose back when I talked about Day 1 at the Children's home) with sister Luz looking on.

Craft time - that's Sarah B helping in the middle with Jose just below her

Wind warriors - the wind was blowing so much sand that it was very hard for the ladies to meet outside. Here Tami and Karen try to shield the women from the sand. They eventually went on the bus.

Worshipping and singing together. I was blessed by Luis (with glasses) and Channing coming up to help me with a song.

"Making melodies in my heart" was a fun song for everyone that Pastor Mike taught us. I think the kids asked us to do this song like 4 times on this day. The kids kept saying "otra vez".

Cara jumped in and helped with another song (I left my lyrics for Spanish songs on the bus so she stepped up to help with a song I couldn't remember the words to).

Sisters Melissa and Amanda working to keep the floor clean - the craft was to make a "shaker" that had rice inside a paper towel roll. However they were coming apart. Everyone pitched in to keep the floor clean.

Maria, one of our translators, praying with one of the woman from the colonia.

We stopped at a nice "scenic stop" and got a team picture. Note you can see a bit bigger version of this by clicking on the picture.

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