Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Picture of the team

As a quick follow-up, here's a picture of the team going to Juarez.

Top row: Pastor Mike, Amanda, Melissa, Calvin (me), Sarah B, Laura, Sarah, Tami, Justin and Lorna.

Middle row: Karen, Sunny, Jan, Christina, Phil, Annie, Russ, Cara, Kent, Karen and Vern.

Front row: Jessica, Philip, Cameron (my son), Channing, Emma, Charise, and Joe (not going but he wanted to be in the picture).

One other brief update in this post - we had much of the team and many additional volunteers at the church this weekend helping sort shoes. Karen (left side of the middle row) spearheaded the efforts to clean up a large number of donated shoes and to sort them by size and sex. I got this picture today of the shoes on four pallets getting shipped down to Texas. Over 1200 shoes were collected. Distributing the shoes and feeding people is a major part of our outreach to the people of Juarez.

More later...

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