Monday, March 23, 2009

What we've waited for

It's Monday morning, the sun is just up and it looks like its going to be a beautiful day. And its the day we've waited for. I'm in the dining room listening to worship songs and it's hard not to feel emotional.

Today we'll go to the Proteccion Integral de Juarez. Pray that we have no issues getting over the border today, for our safety and that we can touch the hearts of the people we met today.


  1. Good morning. Thinking of you and prayed for you first thing when I woke up. I will be praying all day and looking forward to hearing from you later today. Be safe and enjoy all God has for both of you today. I love you and am very proud of both of you.

  2. Thanks Sweetie... we are leaving for Mexico in about an hour.

  3. Hi Dad. Your in Juarez right now but I want you to know I'm praying for you and your safety. Love ya!

  4. Hello Calvin! Just read the blog to get an update so we can be praying for specific needs an situations. We're praying for safety, health, and border crossings.

    Blessings to the whole group :)
    Dean, Cindy, Olivia, & Larson Smith

    P.S. Larson was diagnosed with bronchitis today if you could remember him in your prayers.

  5. Dear Cameron and Mr. Zito,
    I'm praying for you every night before bed. I am praying for you guys to tell a whole lot of people about Jesus.
    Sarah Simili

  6. Laura and Sara

    Praying and hopeing for a wonderful mission trip for you and the people you minister too.That the Love of God flow through you and out to others that they may know Jesus as their Savior

    Uncle Pat

  7. Calvin and team,

    Blessings on all of you and on the people whose lives you are touching in the name of Jesus Christ. I am praying for your work to bear much spirtual fruit and for all to be covered by God's protective hand.

    Vaya con Dios,
    Warren in Colorado

  8. Dean and family - thank you for your prayers. I'll tell the team in Chapel about your prayers for us.

    Sarah - thank you too for praying. What a blessing you are to us!

    "Uncle Pat" - I'll let Laura and Sarah know you are praying.

    Warren my friend, thank you! It's been an unbelievable time... well, by man's perspective. In God's eyes, it's just Him doing his business through willing vessels. Thanks again!
